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Ortho Images

Ortho Images: The Foundation of Your Digital Twin Ortho images are special photos that look like maps. They're super helpful for building digital twins because they provide a flat, bird's-eye view of an area.

Imagine you're trying to build a digital twin of your neighborhood. An ortho image would be like a detailed puzzle piece that helps you put together the virtual world. These images are created by taking lots of pictures from different angles and then stitching them together to make one big, flat picture.

How are ortho images used in digital twins?
• Basemap: They form the foundation of a digital twin, providing accurate geographic information.
• Change detection: By comparing ortho images taken at different times, you can see how an area has changed.
• 3D modeling: Ortho images are used to create 3D models of buildings and terrain.
• Measurement and analysis: You can measure distances, areas, and other features on ortho images.

Cool, right? Ortho images are like magic building blocks for creating amazing digital twins!

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